Back to School Information - From NLPS School Division Aug/2020

Dear CLES Parents/Guardians,
We hope everyone is enjoying their summer! As we prepare for a new school year, we'd like to share with you the recent information from the NLPS School Division regarding "Back to School Information". Please visit this link for the info Back To School NLPS Info and note that our office opens on August 20th, so you can call our wonderful admin assistants with any questions (780-639-3107). Mrs. McKale and Mrs. O will be in meetings with other administrators on Aug. 20th and 21st to plan out more details about school start-up, so we hope to share these plans with you as soon as we can. Please use our website for information regarding school supplies, school fees etc.
Hi to all of our precious students!! Take care everyone!
Love, Mrs. McKale & Staff