NHS Parent Info nights and student visits to NHS!!!

Dear CLES Grade 3 and 4 Families,
The staff and students of Nelson Heights School, are extending a warm welcome to the CLES grade 3 and 4 students who will be attending NHS next year. The administration teams of CLES and NHS are working together to make this a smooth and welcome transition.
Over the years, Nelson Heights has seen its fair share of changes, including different grade levels. Here is a history of grades throughout the years:
1983 Grades 4-9
1996 Grades 5-9
2008 Grades 4-8
2016 Grades 5-8
As you may be aware, all schools in Cold Lake are in grade level transitions. We are making these changes to deal with an increase in student population, and maximize available teaching space in our community schools. The timeline for the transition is as follows:
2021-2022 School Year
NHS 5-8
Northstar Elementary K-4
Cold Lake Middle School 5-8
Cold Lake High School 9-12
2022-2023 School Year
NHS 4-7
Northstar Elementary K-5
Cold Lake Middle School 6-9
Cold Lake High School 10-12
2023-2024 School Year
NHS 4-6
Northstar Elementary K-6
Cold Lake Middle School 7-9
Cold Lake High School 10-12
Over the past 14 years, our two school communities have successfully transitioned students from CLES to NHS. In 2008, we moved both CLES grade 3 and 4 cohorts to shift NHS to a grade 4 to 8 school and CLES to a K to 3. The transition was very smooth, and provided a lot of excitement as NHS welcomed new students and teachers to help kick off the school year!
We are currently working together again to ensure another smooth transition before the end of this school year. This will include the following activities:
Wed, May 11th - NHS Admin meeting with grade 3 and 4 students at CLES in a school
Mon, May 16th - CLES Grade 3 field trip to NHS followed by Grade 3 parent and student
night at NHS 6:00pm-7:00pm
Tues, May 17th - CLES Grade 4 field trip to NHS followed by grade 4 parent and student
night at NHS 6:00pm-7:00pm
Thurs, June 8th - June House Point Rally and Introduction of Grade 3 and 4 students to NHS student body
We hope to see everyone at the parent nights!
Jason Whaley, Principal-NHS
Terry Kaminski, Assistant Principal-NHS
Chris Vining, Principal-CLES
Tracie Young, Acting Principal-CLES
Natalie Ogrodiuk-Whaley, Assistant Principal-CLES