As we are starting to see spring on the horizon and have had several changes in COVID protocols across the province, we would like to have everyone review some important reminders and updates.
COVID Protocols
Masks: It is now a choice for any person that comes to CLES to wear a mask. We respect everyone’s choice to wear one in the building if they choose to do so.
Health Screening/COVID Testing: All health screening is still in place for all staff, students or others entering the building. Please do not enter the building or send children to school if they are unwell. The most recent screening checklist can be found here. We also encourage continuing the use of Rapid Antigen Tests as a screening tool for people who are unwell or have been a close contact. Please contact the office if you would like additional test kits sent home or would like to pick them up.
Outside Food/Treats: We are happy to be able to allow things like birthday treats or snacks back into the classrooms upon previous approval by the teacher. Those treats would still need to be individually able to be handed out (ie. cupcakes instead of a cake) or be individually packaged. Please be sure to check with homeroom teachers prior to sending things to class.
Closed Campus: CLES will remain a closed campus for the safety, security and privacy of all our students. There will be opportunities for more in person meetings, parent volunteering, meet the teacher events, etc. moving forward. However, we will continue to have all visitors enter through the front doors and come into the building only as far as the office. Pickups and dropoffs will continue to occur at the office. If you need to meet with a teacher or request access to another area, we ask that you arrange that in advance.
Other Reminders
End of Day Changes: We are still receiving calls to change end of day pickup/bus after 2:00 pm. Please understand that in a school of 435 students that the end of day is a very hectic time for office staff and in the classrooms. Please let the office know prior to 2:00 pm if there are changes to end of day routines for your child(ren).
Late Drop Off: If you are dropping off your child after 8:35, please bring them to the main doors and have them come through the front office. We have had instances when students have been left outside and needed to walk around the building as supervisors have left their entry door to start their day. The entry doors, other than the front, are open from 8:20 am to 8:35 am.
March 10/11: No school for students. Division PD day and Family Friday
March 21: Term 2 Report Cards home
March 23/24: Term 2 Parent Teacher Interviews. One night will be dedicated to in person interviews and one night for phone interviews. More information and online booking information is coming soon!
March 21-24 Scholastic Book Fair: more details to come
March 25: Family Friday
April 9th to 18th: Spring Break, students return to school on April 19th.