Home Time Staggered Pick Up Times

What does "Staggered Home Time Pick-Up" look like this year?
- We had a wonderful first week with the students back at school, and we are especially proud of them for implementing our new safety practices in and around the school. In our efforts to keep the students properly distanced and eliminate congestion in the hallways and boot rooms at home time, we have come up with a Staggered Pick Up plan to help our 400+ students leave the school in a safe and timely way. This year there are MORE students being picked up by parents, and so our new plan also aims to eliminate congestion of vehicles in the parking lot and reduce the number of parents who are lined up waiting.
- Teachers will have their students at 'Parent Pick Up' waiting area at the following times, starting Tuesday, September 8:
Kindergarten Students - 2:45p.m.
Grade One Students - 2:55p.m.
Grade Two & Three Students - 3:05p.m.
Grade Four Students - 3:15p.m.
*Students walking home will be dismissed at 3:15*
- Picking up Siblings During Staggered Pick Up Time: We realize that some parents may have to wait for their older child to come out later than their younger child/ren, but for now this is the best and safest option for us with such a high volume of students. If you'd like your older child to meet up with your younger child/ren for an earlier dismissal time, please reach out to your children's teachers, and something can be arranged. Keep in mind that Grade Four students have gym time at the end of the day: 4M/4T gym ends at 2:45, and 4R/4B gym ends at 3:15. Another option for parents with siblings is you may want to pick up your younger child early, then wait until your older child comes out afterwards.
- Waiting For Your Child At Parent Pick Up Time:Again, we appreciate everyone's patience as we find the safest, most efficient process for our students leaving the school at home time. We realize that many parents have had to wait in a long line up while the supervisors find your child and bring them to you. We will continue this process, asking parents to line up on the sidewalk nearest to the west fence by the Care To Learn preschool. Supervisor 'runners' will approach the fence, ask you for your child's name and grade, find your child and then bring your child to you. We encourage all parents/guardians picking up their children to physically distance with other parents and children, and to please wear masks, if you are able.
We hope this new Staggered Pick Up schedule works well, and we thank you for your cooperation. Adjustments to this plan will be made if necessary and we will be sure to communicate any changes to parents beforehand. If you have any questions, please call the school 8:00am-4:00pm on weekdays (780-639-3107), or you can email us at: cles@nlsd.ab.ca Our school Facebook & Website are also great sources of info, so we encourage parents to check these out regularly. www.coldlakeelementary.ca